About Skopje.IN
The idea behind Skopje.IN is to create a online space where you can find everything about the capital city of Skopje, that is Guide & News in one. Easily and on few clicks without unnecessary and piled up info.
Founder & Editor: Martin Koloski
Editor: Simona Jovanovska
Contact at info@skopje.in
Editorial policy
The articles published on the website (skopje.in/news) follow a strict editorial policy that Skopje.IN has and are created following the professional principles of journalism. Meanwhile, the content of blog posts published on the website (skopje.in/to-do) is more based on certain subjective experiences.
Republishing conditions from Skopje.IN
You are free to republish the content contained in the News section in its entirety, as well as the photos included in the content in the News section. The condition for republishing is to insert a hyperlink to the page where the article is published that will read "the web portal Skopje.IN reports" or "Photo: Skopje.IN". If you are in any doubt or have questions about republishing our content, feel free to contact us.
1. We are doing our best to keep the information on the website as up-to-date as possible. However, there are many sections that could be changed at any time.
2. Skopje.IN is not fully responsible for the information provided on the website regarding third parties like businesses and services, as the content is designated to give you a glimpse of what you can expect in the city. We ask you to check the information provided on the site once again if possible, regardless of what it refers to.
3. Skopje.IN is not responsible for the content of the third-party websites linked on this website.
4. We are constantly updating information, adding new stuff, and improving the overall experience for the website visitors.
5. The photos used on the website are for free use from other creators or solely our own.
6. Skopje.IN is an independent website, and not a product of or supported by any state or local authority.
7. Mobile optimization could sometimes mess up the structure of the content. If you are experiencing problems, please visit the desktop version of the site. We strive to improve mobile optimization all the time.
7.1. When accessing through a direct link from Facebook (In-App browser) you may also experience some problems with the structure of the content. In this case, we recommend that you open the website directly in your main browser.
8. The telephone numbers and emails of services and businesses cited on Skopje.IN are publicly shared. If you are a representative of some of the services and want such content to be removed, kindly contact us.
9. The photos uploaded in the events section are used for the promotion of the events themselves, and Skopje.IN does not have any copyright on them. If you believe that your copyright has been violated, feel free to contact us, and they will be removed as soon as possible.
10. The content of blog posts (To-do page) may be subject to changes.
Do you have a more specific question about Skopje, but can't find your answer here? Contact us on our social networks or through email, and get an answer no later than 24 hours.
Wrong information about the services you are providing? Contact us and bring the problem to our attention so we can fix it in a few hours.
Last updated: April, 2023