The next non-working day, which is approaching at end of the year, is the first day of Christmas - December 25, Monday, for citizens of the Catholic faith.
Meanwhile, according to the Law on Holidays, the non-working days for 2023 have been announced.
So, non-working days for all citizens in 2023 are:
January 2 (Monday) is a non-working day
January 7 (Saturday) - Christmas, the first day of Christmas according to the Orthodox calendar
April 17 (Monday) - Easter, the second day of Easter according to the Orthodox calendar
April 21 (Friday) - Ramadan Eid, the first day of Ramadan Eid
May 1 (Monday) - Labor Day
May 24 (Wednesday) - "Ss. Cyril and Methodius" – Day of All-Slavic Educators
August 2 (Wednesday) - Republic Day
September 8 (Friday) - Independence Day
October 11 (Wednesday) - Day of Macedonian Uprising
October 23 (Monday) - Day of the Macedonian Revolutionary Struggle
December 8 (Friday) - "St. Clement of Ohrid"
For citizens of the Orthodox faith:
January 6 (Friday) - Christmas Eve, the day before Christmas January 19 (Thursday) - Epiphany
April 14 (Friday) - Good Friday, Friday before Easter
April 17 (Monday) - Easter, the second day of Easter
June 2 (Friday) - All Souls' Day, Friday before All Souls' Day
August 28 (Monday) - Dormition of the Mother of God
For citizens of the Catholic faith:
April 10 (Monday) - Easter, the second day of Easter
November 1 (Wednesday) - All Saints' Day
December 25 (Monday) - the first day of Christmas
For citizens of the Muslim faith:
June 28 (Wednesday) - Eid al-Adha, the first day of Eid al-Adha
For citizens belonging to the Albanian community:
November 22 (Wednesday) - Albanian Alphabet Day
For citizens belonging to the Serbian community:
January 27 (Friday) - Saint Sava
For citizens belonging to the Roma community:
April 8 (Saturday) - International Roma Day
For citizens belonging to the Vlach community:
May 23 (Tuesday) - Vlach's National Day
For citizens belonging to the Jewish community:
September 25 (Monday) - Yom Kippur, the first day of Yom Kippur
For citizens belonging to the Bosniak community:
September 28 (Thursday), International Bosniaks Day
For citizens belonging to the Turkish community:
December 21 (Thursday) - Turkish language teaching day