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In 2023: Turkish citizens dominant among foreign workers and students in Macedonia

Writer: Martin KoloskiMartin Koloski
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Skopje, January 16 — Both in terms of work and study, Turkish citizens are the most numerous among foreign nationals who obtained residence permits in Macedonia for 2023, according to data obtained by Skopje.IN.

As of December 26 last year, the Employment Agency (AV) had issued 5,676 work permits and personal work permits for foreigners.

Depending on the country of origin, most permits were issued to people from Turkey, Kosovo, Serbia, and Albania.

According to the employment agency, the most common professions for which permits are issued are managers, construction workers, carpenters, electricians, rebar workers, and others.

"In 2023, 6,248 requests have been submitted so far, and the number is increasing every year. So far in 2023, 346 requests have been rejected due to incomplete documentation; in our records, there is such a profile of unemployed persons and the like", the agency pointed out at the end of 2023.

According to the Ministry of the Interior, 625 permits for temporary residence in Macedonia on the basis of studies were issued to people from Turkey last year.

The number of permits issued to foreigners from other countries is insignificant compared to Turkey. 10 permits each were issued to persons from Serbia and Kosovo, 7 to persons from Montenegro, 6 to persons from Bosnia and Herzegovina, 3 to persons from Albania, and 1 permit each to persons from Austria, Bulgaria, Egypt, the Philippines, France, Germany, Georgia, Pakistan, and Poland.

In addition, two permits for temporary residence for school education were issued to persons from Turkey and one permit to a person from Kosovo.


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