Serbia is Macedonia's biggest economic and security partner, followed by Albania, Kosovo, Greece and Bulgaria, according to the latest research of the Institute for Democracy "Societas Civilis", conducted in the period from February 22 to March 9 with a sample of 1,002 respondents over the age of 18 throughout the country.
Regarding the issues with Bulgaria, the citizens do not think that the relations between the two countries are moving for the better. Only 15% of the respondents fully or partially agree that the relations between Macedonia and Bulgaria are improving. In contrast, a majority of 75% completely or partially disagreed with this.
Meanwhile, the survey showed that citizens have the most trust in religious communities and the military - 5.1 points on a scale from 1 to 10, and the least in the judiciary and public prosecution - 2.7 points.
IDSCS states that, in general, low trust can be observed in all social actors and state institutions, which, they say, represents an alarming situation.
More than two-thirds of respondents believe that life in the country is moving in the wrong direction - 69%, an increase of 6% compared to 2022. The residents of the Southwest are the most optimistic about this, while the residents of the Vardar region gave the most negative answers.
Regarding the question "If the elections were held next week, which party would you vote for?" 17% of the respondents answered VMRO-DPMNE and the coalition (opposition), 12% answered SDSM and the coalition (ruling party), and 8% DUI (the ruling Albanian party).